
Iris Zaki, Israel | UK, 2018, 70 min, in Hebrew with English subtitles
Winner, Special Mention, Social Impact Media Awards, US, 2019
Canadian Premiere
Sunday, 3 November 2019, 8:00 PM, Jackman Hall, Art Gallery of Ontario

Grierson award-winning director Iris Zaki enters the heart of Tekoa, an Israeli settlement in the West-Bank, and sits down to talk to the locals. Though fearful at first of the left-wing invader, settlers from various backgrounds gradually open up to her. Their honest, surprising and sometimes funny conversations offer a fresh take on Israeli reality from both sides of the Green Line.

See the trailer here:

Please note that this feature film screening will be preceded by the screening of the the short film  A Song Can’t Burn.

A Song Can’t Burn

Roscoe Neil, UK, 2019, 12 min, in English
Nominated, Best Documentary Shor, Tribeca Film Festival
Canadian Premiere

Professor and musician Nigel Osborne has developed music therapy techniques for children suffering the effects of trauma. These methods are now being used in a program for Syrian refugees.