Indignados (The Outraged)


Tony Gatlif, France, 2012, 88 min.
In French, Greek, Spanish, Wolof, with English Subtitles
Canadian Premiere

Friday, 2 November 2012, 9:00 PM, Innis Town Hall

Saturday, 3 November 2012, 3:00 PM, carlton Cinema

Watch trailer here

In 2010, Stephane Hessel, a 93-year-old Frenchman, a resistance veteran and a former diplomat and author, published a lean 30-page essay titled “Indignes-Vous!”, calling on readers to get angry about the state of contemporary society and join the worldwide political movement he unwittingly christened. Thanks to him, the “Indignados” finally had a voice of their own!

Using this text as a guide, Tony Gatliff documents the outrage of fed up nations, the despair of displaced immigrants, the deadlock every nameless person with no country to call his own is currently facing, in a film that merges documentary and fiction in a dramatically uneven but emotionally riveting experiment.

Revolution according to Tony Gatlif” Fabien Lemercier, Cineeuropa