De President (The President)


Erik de Bruyn, The Netherlands, 2011, 90 min.
With: Achmed Akkabi, Najib Amhali
In Dutch with English Subtitles

Canadian Premiere

Sunday, 4 November 2012, 4:00 PM, Carlton Cinema

Watch trailer here

Heroes are born every day, but then again, so are goats. When Joes and his Cousin Hamid leave the goat herding of their native Morocco for the asparagus farming of Holland, they soon find themselves in the national spotlight. Joes becomes a hero after saving the lives of the woman he has fallen for and a policeman in a building fire. His new popularity has him in the center of Holland’s first ever campaign for President, but his heart aches for Mila, the woman of his dreams. After a forced separation Joes is reunited with his love, and it seems he will either become the President he initially envisioned, or continue to be the partying President his friends expect of him. With enemies and temptation on all sides, Joes faces his toughest choice: continue taking the office lightly, or do the right thing and give Holland the President the country needs. Erik de Bruyn wrote and directed this timely comedy, which runs the gamut of political issues, from Illegal immigration to campaign finance reform, economic turmoil, and the responsibilities (or lack thereof) of today’s governments