Amos Gitaï, Israel/France, 2013, 85 min, in Hebrew and Arabic with English Subtitles, Toronto Premiere Venice Film Festival 2014, in Competition, Grean Drop Award, SIGNI Award, Nominated for Golden Lion.

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Yael, a young journalist, investigates the death of an Auschwitz survivor married to a Palestinian in a forgotten enclave in the southern suburbs of Tel-Aviv. As she visits the neighbourhood, she develops fascination with the story of the mixed couples and the Jews and Arabs who live together in harmony. Inspired by a true story and by the documentary trilogy Wadi, Amos Gitaï (Kadosh, Promised Land) took on a major challenge in making Ana Arabia by following the story in one uncut, always moving tracking shot. Blessed with rare fluidity and smoothness, the film (presented at Venice this year) makes a powerful case for cohabitation, harmony and sharing in a land scarred by conflict and war. It is also a tribute to the strength and courage of women, who are the true keepers of hope here.
