Diaspora Film Festival 2017



We are very pleased to welcome you to the 17th annual Diaspora Film Festival.

The festival always brings award winning lms about culture and diversity from around the world to Toronto, the most multicultural city in the world.

This year, the universal language of music is prominent in the storytelling under Music of Diaspora. In addition, we are happy to continue programming Diaspora in Short where filmmakers from here and away have a place to present their short films.

We would like to thank our sponsors for their ongoing support of the festival:

Toronto Arts Council
Consulate of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Goethe Institute
World Association of Christian Communication (WACC)
Im/migration, Mobilities, and Circulation
Jackman Humanities Institute
Toronto Film School

Finally, we are so grateful to our volunteers, and of course to you, our audience. Hope you enjoy DFF17

Shahram Tabe and Paul de Silva

17th Diaspora Film Festival Toronto

2 to 5 November 2017

Carlton Cinema

Program Schedule Book 2017 (pdf)